Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy First Day of School! we go again - the first day of school! (Who's idea was it to start school on a Wednesday, anyhow?) M is a Jr. this year and L is starting fourth grade. They are both excited for the year to start. I guess sitting at home with your sibling all summer isn't all that great...

M was dressed and ready when we got home from the gym and L wasn't too far behind her! Check out M's new hair color! She said that Chloe didn't know who she was when she got home from having it done.

M is too big for a backpack these days. She had to have a "book bag" to carry her stuff around. I guess it is a lot cuter than a backpack, though! Notice the gym bag? She has her first cross country meet after school today. I'll let you know how that goes.

L wasn't ready for pictures yet when his sister left, so they don't have any pictures together. He rode his bike to school. I think he was afraid that if I took him to school, I would go in with him and take pictures of his teacher, his desk, his locker, lunchtime, recess, etc. I don't know...maybe I would have!

Anyway...Happy First Day of School!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Celebrating by Helping Others

M celebrated her 16th birthday this month! Can you believe it? It is a very exciting thing for her and a very scary thing for me!

Instead of having a friend party, M wanted to have her "party" at the Utah Food Bank. She invited some of her friends out and we sorted and weighed food to be sent out to needy families. Instead of bringing presents, M asked her friends to bring a food donation to the Food Bank. What a proud moment for mom :)! Here are a few pictures (did you think I WOULDN'T take pictures?) of the group.

Happy Birthday M! We are so proud of you!