Blog Archive

Saturday, January 28, 2012

POTD - the Suns Have Been Set

This team has been a thorn in our side since we started the AAU team. We came close last game, but this game meant so much more. We only had seven players, but quickly lost a player who went to the ER for stitches and a possible broken jaw. L took out another one of our players with seconds left, who is also on his way for stitches. I'm glad we won and I'm glad we are on our way to dinner instead of the ER.

I forgot to add...L had a HUGE game yesterday with 10 points and 4-5 blocks (I lost count) and a ton of rebounds. The coach from the other team came over to shake his hand and congratulate him on a great game. Proud mom moment for sure!

Friday, January 27, 2012

POTD - Girls' Night

Gymnastics night. Rio Grande for dinner!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Guess who got their license in the mail today?? Wahoo M!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

POTD - How to Embarrass L

Saturday, we spent some time at the mall before L's basketball game. We stopped in at H&M for M to do some shopping. I tried to get L to try on this hat, but no way was that going to happen! His sister proudly wore the hat and pulled some awesome faces while I took her picture. L was MORTIFIED! He is at that awesome teenage stage where everything we do and say is embarrassing for him. You know what??? We LOVE it! Three against one. We win every time! Maybe on another POTD, I'll show you the picture of his dad wearing the hat! :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

POTD - The View

Not a great picture as far as quality goes today, but this is the view from my office. I only spend one day a week (if that) in Salt Lake and then the rest of my time is spent in Northern Utah (Woods Cross to the Idaho boarder). I love the view from my window. For those of you who don't know, this is the Salt Lake County Building. The inside is as pretty and as detailed as the outside.

A few years ago, someone, climbed to the very top spiral and stuck a pumpkin on the top of the building. Every time I look out at it, I wonder how they ever did that!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

POTD - Winter Wonderland

Wet, wet heavy snow fell yesterday and into the night. It had been raining all day before it changed over to snow which made an icy layer beneath the snow. This morning, it was sunny and the light through the ice on the trees made everything sparkle. It was so pretty! I think I liked having the snow, if only for a quick minute!