Blog Archive

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Faces!

Here are a couple of faces you don't see around here very often. I took this picture of J at the dentist last week. L and M had their six month dentist appointment, but while we were sitting there waiting for M to get her x-rays taken for her wisdom teeth, J showed up to do a repair on his new braces! I took his picture and told him he was going to show up on the blog. Since he is in Las Vegas playing soccer this weekend, I thought now would be a good time to post it, since he can't come and get me!

This is H and her BFF B. We were at the Ute's gymnastics meet on Friday and while I was showing Stacey pictures of J at the dentist, I took a picture of them. H has a gymnastics meet in San Diego this coming weekend. Maybe I can stow away in her suitcase so that I can see some sun!

M is starting her track conditioning class this week and L is still playing basketball. They made it through the second term of school (hello...didn't I just drop them off for their first day of the year?). Blog posting is slow this time of year, I guess I should take my friend Sandy's advice and get out and LIVE! That is her non-resolution for 2008...LIVE every day! I'm just waiting for the sun to come out again!