Blog Archive

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jello, Soup, Ice Cream...

These are the things that L can eat these days without any trouble. A few weeks ago I took him to the dentist/orthodontist for his six-month check-up. The visit before, the dentist told him that he would probably be ready for braces this time around. Nope! L still has nine baby teeth to lose before he is ready for them. That made him a little sad. He has always hated how his teeth look and can't wait for braces to straighten them out.

Well...since his dentist appointment, he has started dropping teeth left and right. In this picture, he only has three molars on the bottom and five nubbins of teeth trying to push their way up. Eating is a little challenging these days.

Jr. High???

When did it happen? When did this kid get old enough to leave the safety of elementary school and enter into the perils of Jr. High? I can't believe that he left the house this morning and headed off to Jr. High.

Here's the thing...I am pretty sure that I was far more worried about it than he was. What if he can't open his locker? What if he loses his class schedule? What if he doesn't have anyone to eat lunch with?

Guess what? He did GREAT! He opened his locker on the first try and even lucked out to have it all to himself. No creepy kid who wipes boogers down the locker door to worry about sharing with! He didn't get lost and he made it through lunch (pizza, of course).

He even asked me this morning when we were going to take pictures (he has learned so well).

I think he is thinking of all the new girls there were to meet today.

His big sister even crawled up out of the basement to see him off.

Good luck and have fun!

Last Year as a "Teen"

M had her last birthday as a teen last week. We didn't see much of her on her big day. She was on a retreat with her scholarship group all day. We picked her up a little early due to a rain out at the resort they were at. It just happened that we were leaving L's soccer match when she called so we picked her up and stopped off at Rio Grande Cafe on the way home. She stuck around long enough to have dinner and change her clothes and then was off again with her friend.

Saturday, we hosted a birthday bash for M and her BFF Megan who has a birthday two days after M's.

Waiting for the party to start...

Happy Birthday!