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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy First Day of School! we go again - the first day of school! (Who's idea was it to start school on a Wednesday, anyhow?) M is a Jr. this year and L is starting fourth grade. They are both excited for the year to start. I guess sitting at home with your sibling all summer isn't all that great...

M was dressed and ready when we got home from the gym and L wasn't too far behind her! Check out M's new hair color! She said that Chloe didn't know who she was when she got home from having it done.

M is too big for a backpack these days. She had to have a "book bag" to carry her stuff around. I guess it is a lot cuter than a backpack, though! Notice the gym bag? She has her first cross country meet after school today. I'll let you know how that goes.

L wasn't ready for pictures yet when his sister left, so they don't have any pictures together. He rode his bike to school. I think he was afraid that if I took him to school, I would go in with him and take pictures of his teacher, his desk, his locker, lunchtime, recess, etc. I don't know...maybe I would have!

Anyway...Happy First Day of School!

1 comment:

Hello! said...

That would have been so funny if you followed L to school and still took pictures of all that stuff. ha ha ha