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Friday, June 04, 2010

Wow! What a Week!

We have had quite a week! It started last Friday when Ron, L and I hitched up the trailer and went to Lava Hot Springs for Memorial weekend. Grandma and Grandpa came along with us. Poor M had to stay home and work most of the time, but did drive up and stay over one night with us.

On Saturday, we drove to Burley to decorate graves. After three cemeteries and a bunch of mums, things looked pretty good.

We hooked up with Grandma Nanny and took her out to lunch. She had her regular meal of fried shrimp. We tried to get the waiter to bring her a beer, but she didn't have her i.d. and he didn't want to sell to a minor.

On Sunday, we headed for the swimming pool. It was a blistering 57* that day. My pool attire consisted of street clothes, two beach towels and L's fleece-lined sweatshirt.

The cold didn't seem to bother L. There is a new water slide at the pool. I think L went down about 20 times.

On Tuesday, Ron and I joined the sixth grade on their annual bike trip to Lagoon Trail (about 32 miles round trip). Of course it rained on us most of the time. But...with the exception of a few kids, we all made it!

With a police escort, the kids rode their bikes to the Lagoon Trail where we turned around and headed back to Centerville Park.

At the park, the sixth grade from another elementary school joined us. They had been pen pals with L's class all year round and they finally met each other and had lunch.

L already knew his pen pals. Two of them play in the same soccer club as L.

And finally, today was L's big graduation day from Sixth Grade. M bought him balloons and put them outside for everyone to see.

L has had the greatest teacher this year. Mrs. Watkins is a really fun person, but can also keep L in line (which isn't the easiest thing to do).

Of course I cried during the ceremony. This is the last time I will have to deal with elementary school. I think I cried because I was thinking of what lies ahead of us.

L + 7 classes + Jr. High School teachers = ???

I guess we will wait to see how that plays out! Does anyone know a good tutor?

Grandma came to the ceremony while Grandpa was at Hannah's ceremony at her school. Do you think they drew straws to see who had to sit by the crier?

Congratulations for making it through elementary school (with only a few trips to the principal's office). We are super proud of you L!

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