Blog Archive

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ice Breaker Tournament - St. George 2009

Ok Hannah...I got your message! Here are some pictures from the Ice Breaker Tournament we went to in St. George last weekend. Despite it being 55 degrees, it was so great to be outside and out of the snow! Take note of the GREEN grass! Loved it!

Here is big L doing what he does best...keeping the ball out of the goal!

Here is what our Sunday looked like since there weren't any games...

Look forward to more OUTSIDE pictures! Soccer and track will be in full force in about a month!


Anonymous said...

Did you know Ben was a goalie in High School? Yep.


Sandy said...

Hey girl! My mom, sisters and I were in St. George the weekend of Valentines Day and didn't have nearly as good of weather as you did. I guess it was better than the snow storms we were experiencing up north though. Looks like you had a fun time with the fam. Kind of gives me a little spring fever looking at the green grass!