Blog Archive

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Homecoming Night!

Tonight was M's big Homecoming Dance! She started off with a day activity this morning at 11:00 where they went to lunch and then ice skating. She came home just in time to go and get her hair done and then home to wait for Mckinsey to do her makeup.

Nick showed up with a long-stem rose and a corsage. I had to do the official pinning of his boutonniere (I hope he has stopped bleeding by now). Megan and her date came in so I made them all pose for me. I had to take a bunch of pictures of M by herself before they came. M threatened me earlier today that we could only do a few quick snapshots and not an entire photo shoot when they came. Here are the pictures from the big "pick up" for the dance. Grandma has been looking at the blog for at least the last half hour for pictures (yes...I can see you when you sign in) so here they are...


Grandma and Grandpa said...

Cool pictures. M looked beautiful,no wonder the boys want to date her. I hope she had a great day and evening.

firedancer said...

Holy Foxerelli!!!! McKell - you are beautiful! Hope you guys had a great time.

Hello! said...

Ahhhhh! That's so sweet :) And I love the skull in the background of the first picture.
Remember, if you ever need me to come teach her about the wiles of dating let me know...

The Ericksons said...

I love M's dress- She does look beautiful. All I have to say, is stop growing up!! It seems like just yesterday she was 12.