Blog Archive

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Afternoon at Farmington Bay

Another trip to Farmington Bay this afternoon.  Lots of people had the same idea!  

We had a lot more luck than last time.  There were about six eagles flying in the distance and a few resting in the tree and on the ground.  They were still really far in the distance, so I didn't get a really good picture.  Next time out, I'll have to take my "Yellowstone lens".  

Little ducks and Canadian geese were enjoying a dip in the icy water.

This hawk kept teasing us.  He would be flying around and then we would stop to take a picture.  As soon as we did, he would land in the grasses where you really couldn't see him. Then, we would give up and start to drive on and he would hop up and start flying around.  It was like he knew I was trying to take his picture!

Nice scenery too!  I only wish we had thought to dress warmer so that we could have walked around the trails a little! 

We'll be back again soon.  Even if it is only moss, things are starting to green up!  I can't wait until it is warmer and greener!

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